
Acupuncture can literally treat anything. Pain, injuries, chronic illness, auto-immune disease, internal medicine, mental health, insomnia, and more.

Health Coach

Health coaching incorporates all aspects of life, from how we live our daily lives to how we sleep at night. If you're feeling stuck in a rut, not sure where to start, or just ready to make some big life changes, Health Coaching may be right for you.

TMJ Massage-Intraoral

TMJ Massage -Works on the jaw from the outside and the inside of the mouth. This gentle work provides quick, effective results. If you're struggling with jaw pain or dysfunction, temporal headaches, or have had an injury affecting your head or neck, this may be the treatment for you.

Hello, I’m Nicole and I’m honored you chose me to assist you with your healthcare needs. I have been treating patients in the holistic field since 2007. I truly believe in treating the root cause to affect the symptoms and cause the body to ramp up it’s innate healing powers.

Hello, I’m Nicole and I’m honored you chose me to assist you with your healthcare needs. I have b... Read More

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Located at: 2025 N Commercial St., Harrisonville
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